Gender Budgeting for Rural Development
Mode of learning: Self Learning
Duration: 4 Weeks
Who should attend: The course will be relevant for a wide range of clientele starting from researchers and practitioners. It is expected that the following batches of clienteles will be taking this course up like Students of Rural Development and Management, Elected Representatives, Faculty from SIRD, ETCs, RIRDs, Trainers from, Panchayat training centres, District and Block Panchayat Officers,
Course Description: Gender equality is fundamentally related to sustainable development and globally accepted as a necessity for the promotion of human rights. In the context of local government, gender equality is critical as women and men face different challenges in full participation, representation, and decent work opportunities. The practical integration of gender in all dimensions of governance require understanding of tools such as Gender Budgeting. The course is designed to fulfill three major Training/Learning Objectives in 7 days.