Sustainable Livelihoods and Adaptation to Climate Change

Sustainable Livelihoods and Adaptation to Climate Change

Mode of learning: Self Learning

Duration: 12 Weeks

Who should attend: Community Resource Persons (CRPs) and the Mission staff of National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) / State Rural Livelihoods Mission (SRLM), Young Professionals (YPs), Non-Government Organizations (NGOs), officers of the Line Departments, etc.

Course Description: This program aims at creating efficient and effective institutional platforms of the rural poor enabling them to increase household income through sustainable livelihood enhancements and improved access to financial services. As agriculture is the mainstay livelihoods activity for a large proportion of the rural poor, NRLM lays special focus on sustainable agriculture and allied activities such as animal husbandry, non-timber forest produce and fisheries. In order to expand demonstrations of appropriate practices and technological interventions have been planned through Sustainable Livelihoods and Adaptation to Climate Change (SLACC) in a farmer participatory mode to enhance their adaptive capacity and coping ability. 

SLACC is covering drought and flood prone areas with agriculture sector at the core of the SLACC project. It is addressing all aspects of farm-based livelihoods that may be affected by climate change by helping the community to choose interventions for the: production system such as participatory selection of climate-resilient varieties/breeds; ecological system such as tree-based farming or soil moisture conservation; knowledge system such as local weather- based agro-advisories, and financial system such as weather based insurance, establishing Custom Hiring Centres (CHCs). A trained Community Resource Person (CRP) has been placed in each village to provide support to the farmers on climate adaptation planning, implementation and monitoring.

These modules were developed by resource persons from different reputed organisations which include background of climate change and variability, vulnerability maps, preparation of climate change adaptation plan, climate resilient interventions, alternate livelihood practices etc, under the base of production, ecological, technological and financial inclusions. These modules will give exposure, knowledge and hands-on training to the participants to train the other farmers in the States.

Category: Climate Change